So many people loved the quote I shared on Tuesday.
I’m obsessed with it, so I picked up a brush and ink, and made a fun printable out of it.
Just click on the images below to download it in either black or cobalt ink.
Happy dreaming!!
Need help with balancing your dream and the rest of your life? Need to customize your path and be really true to yourself? For a short time, I’m offering the Design Life Project as a self-study course, and you can take it at your own pace. We also have a Design Life Project alumni group that you can join (included in your registration) where you can connect with others who’ve taken the course. Not sure if it’s for you? Read more about WHO the course is for and HOW it can help. This self-study version of the course will only be offered for a limited time, so head over and register and you can take the course when you’re ready. We are excited to meet you!!

Ooh, I love this! Definitely downloaded, and I can’t wait to print!
I love this! You should make your handwriting a font!