Recently I was interviewed by Whitney English and Mary Verett of the Day Designer®. See the original post here, and below for the interview!
This week’s #WellDesignedLife interview is with the incredible Cathy Olson! We just adore this hardworking (and super sweet) lady! Whitney has not only had the privilege of getting to personally know Cathy over the past year, but also worked with her to start a community project called Go Inspire Love!
Cathy will introduce herself a little further down, but we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to express our admiration for all the ways she helps others and manages to get.stuff.done. We love her and know you will, too!
What accomplishment are you most proud of in life so far?
My family, hands down. I love them more than there are stars in the sky, and they make life worth living. Nothing I do in my business life will ever compare to building and raising human beings. But, in my business, I am proud of getting the opportunity to really connect and help others through my art and experience.
Tell me about your big dreams. Where do you want to go and what do you want to do and why?
I learned early on that you really can’t over plan your life TOO much. It’s imperative to have goals, and to work towards them, but it’s necessary to be flexible and to be able to roll with the punches of life. So I don’t plan too far ahead anymore. But I can say in my immediate future, I’d like to grow my team a little more (I’m actually hiring right now for a position), and I’d like to be open to growing my reach and helping more people.
Actually I think that can be my long-standing goal/big dream. To help others exponentially with whatever I have than can help. I want to leave a legacy and make a mark – even if it’s just one person.
Do you face any struggles in achieving your dreams? What’s the scariest thing about them?
Of course I do! I struggle with a lot. I struggle with not being enough, not doing enough, not helping enough. I’m in a constant state of wondering if everything is ENOUGH. I have to remind myself that there is nothing to prove, only people to help. I remember that helping just ONE other person is enough.
As far as dreaming – it’s scary because I am a huge dreamer AND doer. So when something comes in to my mind, I put an enormous amount of pressure on myself to get it done and make it perfect. It is SO fun and exciting but can be exhausting if I’m listening too much to the negative voices.
What three daily things can you not live without?
Jesus, Hubby, my kids Aven and Maizen, and my computer with dual Mac screens. Sorry that’s five things.
How do you design intention into your life?
Being present 100% wherever I am. No regrets, no time splitting.
BUT… forgiving myself when I make a mistake or fail at it.
How do you create balance in your life?
I actually teach a course on it! So I have a complete system but the basics are – Customizing your schedule to you, and leaving room to be flexible.
What does your daily routine look like?
Morning with kids, alone time to work or run errands, then kids + family again.
What checklist(s) do you live by?
I use my monthly and weekly calendars, and do a fresh to-do-list every day (in my Day Designer).
What do you wish you had more of in life?
I guess I could always use more free time. I’m still working full time hours. Maybe in the future I can work part-time. We will see!!
What do you wish you had less of in life?
Negativity, perfectionism, doubt.
Are you willing to share a story with us about a time in your life things felt out of control? How did you get things back on course?
I would love to – but it’s long. The story of my crazy tumor is a long read, but I PROMISE you won’t feel the same about LIFE after you read it.
Thanks again to the lovely ladies who make the amazing Day Designer®! If you don’t have one, make sure you get on their mailing list to be updated when they go on sale!
Have a lovely day friends!