Friends, can I get real with you for a sec?
Coming back from maternity leave hasn’t been the easiest for me. I have lovely women who work for me (thank you Kyleen and Jenné) and they did such an amazing job while I was out, that when I got back to work, I was a bit dumbfounded. I expected a crazy state of busy when I got back, but was so surprised to find it was actually a bit… calm. I’m not used to calm and it’s been throwing me for a loop… FOR REAL.
So then what did I do? I started pushing, reaching, doing, and spinning my wheels to create some chaos like I’m used to.
And yet, still, it remained calm. My efforts to crazify my life didn’t work.
I had a conversation with a friend about it in which I said, “I feel like a fish out of water.” This was so unfamiliar to me that I felt utterly stressed. I prayed a lot about it, giving my questions to God.
The answer I kept getting? REST.
To take this time, as uncertain and scary as it is, to focus and to rest. And I’m not gonna lie. I’ve been struggling with that immensely.
I just read this article, Embracing Rest in a Culture of Busy, from Everygirl and it spoke to my soul. It’s really echoing what I’ve been hearing from God – it’s ok to be calm and to rest. That rest and calm and SLOW is a normal part of life; that it doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong, and that it doesn’t mean you are a failure. It’s the ebb and flow of life.
I mean, isn’t this what I wanted all along? To build a great team to help so that I could finally rest? The answer is of course. I’m beginning to look back at my break-neck speed of life and wonder, how and when did that become the new normal?
So now that I have my orders friends, my focus is preparation. To prepare my mind, body & soul for the next season and the next big thing around the bend. It is coming, so I can relax in knowing it’s there. It’s my job now to dream, to enjoy, and to savor. To REST.
Need help with balancing your dream and the rest of your life? Need to customize your path and be really true to yourself? ONLY for sale for the next couple of weeks, I’m offering the Design Life Project as a self-study course, and you can take it at your own pace. We also have a Design Life Project alumni group that you can join (included in your registration) where you can connect with others who’ve taken the course. Not sure if it’s for you? Read more about WHO the course is for and HOW it can help. This self-study version of the course will only be offered for a couple more weeks, so head over and register and then you can take the course when you’re ready. We are excited to meet you!!

Great advice! Glad you’re resting! 🙂