I’ve written a lot about fighting fear on this blog – and for good reason. Fear stops great ideas from happening – and worse – it stops great DREAMS from happening. In Create Passive Profits, we are going to start the course by pushing past the fears that have stopped us in the past. Over the next couple weeks I’d like to dispel some fears here on the DLP blog, to encourage you to start those things you’ve been dreaming about.
New idea fear busting #1: “It’s been done already”
Perhaps you’re afraid your idea has already been taken – or more broadly, all the good ideas have been taken. It’s not true, and let’s talk about why.
- No one else is YOU
You know this is true, but I think we forget just how special we are sometimes. There is not one other person on this planet that’s exactly like you. You are a totally unique blend of your personality, your thoughts, and your experiences. Nobody will have your exact take on things. YOU are what makes your product/information/service different. Don’t forget it.
- People love to collect things – they own more than one of everything to round it out
People almost always own more than one of something. Because products/information/services vary so much, they will probably own a few. They will all have different features and perhaps they can be used in tandem with each other. And if they love your product – you want them to order more than one, and to share it with their friends! There are more than enough interested parties to go around.
- It’s MUCH easier to enter a market that already exists
Can you imagine how difficult it was for Steve Jobs to sell desktop computers when he first started out? I recently watched the movie “Jobs” and it detailed how he had to cold call people and explain the benefits of having a home computer. Being the first in the industry is back-breaking work. Who says we even want that, right? Wouldn’t we rather head down a paved road? I know I would.
- If you don’t do it, someone else will
How many times have we heard someone say about a new invention – “I thought of that years ago!!” – but they did not do anything about it. The problem with great ideas is they do have expiration dates – because someone will eventually come to the same conclusion. If you don’t do it – someone else will. Why not have it be you?
Last thought today: in this world of “I’ve already seen it on Pinterest” – it’s easy to get discouraged. There is something to be said about personal interpretation of an idea. The world may miss out on your take of a cool idea – don’t let it discourage you! Seek out your dreams anyway!
Stay tuned! I’ll be posting more new idea fear busting this week and next week. I’d also love to invite you to join us in the new Create Passive Profits workshop, where you can take these ideas and monetize them to create a passive revenue stream. Early-bird Registration is now open – so snag your spot TODAY before the price goes up to the regular rate next Monday!

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