In Create Passive Profits, we are going to start the course by pushing past the fears that have stopped us in the past. I’d like to dispel some fears here, to encourage you to start those things you’ve been dreaming about, including teaching an e-course (watch my Periscope above).
Myth busting: I’m not {blank} enough
We really seem to psyche ourselves OUT of the good ideas, don’t we? There are lots of excuses we give ourselves about why we aren’t enough to pursue our idea. I’d love to debunk some of these now.
- I’m not EDUCATED enough
Why is it that we all think we need degrees in anything we do? Maybe it’s the old school way of doing things. It’s never been easier in history to learn how to do something. Hey, I even have a couple degrees in graphic design – but I know a LOT of my colleagues don’t. Since I worked very hard for it, I’m proud of it. But guess what? On the web – no one really cares. I don’t think people hire me because I have a degree – they hire me because they like what I produce, and they know that I can help them. No one cares about your background – they only care if and how you can help them. It’s really, really true.
- I’m not OLD enough, or YOUNG enough
This can be added on to the above – the web is the great equalizer, and nobody cares how old you are. The web is completely merit-based. Age just doesn’t matter anymore. And if for some reason, your ideal clients are looking for age – they are going to be your same age. So even if that is a factor (which it’s probably not) then there will be an audience and market just like you. Maybe that’s part of your niche – and that’s okay too! It’s just a selling point instead, and no reason to be afraid.
- I’m not TECHY enough
Simple software solutions are constantly being built for those who aren’t as technically inclined – as well learning programs for those who want to learn how. You can learn just about ANYTHING on the web these days. And even for free if you’re willing to dig. There’s no excuse any more – they are breaking down the tech barriers as we speak.
- I’m not RICH enough
I have some REALLY great news for you. Remember how I said it’s never been easier in history to learn something? Well it’s also never been cheaper to sell something. Informational products especially are DIRT cheap to produce – and the profit margins are close to 100%. You can get a site started with everything you need for less than $100 these days. You absolutely do not need a lot of money to start your idea. Even crowd-sourcing sites make it easy to gain funding if your project does need it.
So have I convinced you that you are enough? Well, of course you are. You are amazing and ONE of a kind!
Join us on March 30th for a FREE training on Passive Income for Creative Businesses. This is a one-time lesson, and we are giving away prizes to live viewers. Grab a spot so that you don’t miss it!