Yesterday I did an impromptu Periscope that got a lot of views and a lot of people buzzing.
Community over competition movement has been a positive shift, but it can (and is already) going wrong a bit.
Before you totally freak out, please hear me out. This comes from a place of love. Hugs. Take a quick breath, and let me ‘splain.
Rising tides lift all ships. But only if the water is being added to, not only drawn from.
The idea of rising tides means the body of water is being added to. Those who continually take and take, without adding, are going to find that the community will quickly get tired. And those in said community will stop sharing. Thus, without the proper balance, Community over Competition will crumble. In order to ensure this doesn’t happen, make sure you are ADDING more value than you are taking. 80/20 it if you need to. 80% value adding, 20% value taking.
TRUE communities support each other. And sometimes that means spending money.
I’m not saying that you have to spend all of your money to support community. But sometimes the BEST way to support someone is to get out your wallet. (Tough love time, ladies). If you truly believe in someone, HIRE THEM. There truly is no greater form of respect. Don’t just take all the free info they give out and never actually support them financially. Shop within your community, instead of looking outward. Keep each other in business, friends!
Community over competition can be used as a veil to take advantage of competition. Remember to REMEMBER the people who helped you get to where you are.
This is one of the biggest problems I see happening right now. A way to combat this is to REMEMBER the people who helped you, and to call them out and THANK THEM. There is nothing worse than helping someone in need, and them forgetting to thank you for it. It hurts, and it makes others not want to help ever again. Take time to thank your community and mentors for all they have done for you.
Only share what you are comfortable with.
Just because people are sharing more than ever before, doesn’t mean you have to “tell all” or share everything. You can politely send them to a resource in which they can gain more information on their own (like sending them to a business coach or online course). Or, you can be honest at say you aren’t comfortable with sharing proprietary business information with them. You DO NOT have to let them pick your brain for free. Offer a consulting call for a fee, and if they truly need help, they will support you.
Have a lovely week friends!
Tired of trading time for money? Need to develop a system of passive profit that doesn’t depend on you? Have no clue what to offer or how to start? This is exactly why I developed the e-course, Create Passive Profits. This course will help you to develop the idea and hit the ground running with it. I’ve also added a coaching portion this time, so I’ll help you one-on-one to help you get started.
Make sure you’re signed up to be notified when it opens!

A-freaking-MEN!! The same thoughts have been bouncing around my head and I appreciate you putting this out there!!
I agree that we can all be kinder and more helpful to lift the entire image of an industry, but the real side is that some of these community members don’t even have a boat and the tide is beating them to heck so they grasp onto others who have taken the time and paid their dues and spent their money on a “boat”. The only way it works is if everyone is a contributor and is willing to lift and be lifted. 😉
I never thought of it that way, but you’re totally right!!