If there’s anything that’s common amongst my friends, colleagues and clients, it’s that this summer has been straight up CHAOS. Do you feel me friends? It seems like everyone I talk to is having a period of craziness. I’ve heard mercury is in retrograde but honestly, I have no idea what that means. I just see a lot of people going through a lot of crazy things lately.
To the creative entrepreneur, there is so much more at stake when the crazy hits.
Our businesses and everything we work for are on the line. Some days it feels like we are completely under attack.
Whether you’re pregnant, just had a new baby, suffered a job loss, bought a home, went out on your own – it all adds up to our own little slice of crazy. I was (still am) 100% there right now. We had a new baby in May and bought our first home in June – and really a million other crazy things that happened all at the same time. So does this asteroid ball of crazy mean that our businesses have to suffer? Absolutely not. Here’s 3 ways to navigate the turbulent waters and make sure your business comes out intact.
1. Remember what really matters
Yes, our businesses matter. They matter A LOT. But by focusing on the things that really make up the fabric of who we are and what we care about, we can really start to put things in perspective. If we think about the worst thing that could happen in our business, we realize, we will still survive. We still have our loved ones and our families and friends. That’s all that truly matters. It helps to take the pressure off a bit to think of those things instead.
2. Work on working less – creating passive income
This is super important if you’re entering into a pattern of crazy that will take up most of your time. Most of us cannot just afford to stop working or to take an impromptu vacay while our crazy gets sorted out. I am a huge advocate of creating passive income for these times. If you currently have a passive income stream, crazy times are the times to start boosting it, to give yourself that safety net. If you don’t yet have a passive stream of income set up, do yourself a favor and get one going (or check out my Create Passive Profits class coming soon, I know some of you have asked me about it).
3. Know that you are a bona-fide Entre-Hustler
I know that sounds funny – but I got the best advice from a close friend when I was worrying about my business a couple months ago. I told them I was worried about all these what-ifs, and they told me, “You’ll work it out. You’re a hustler.” What they meant is – I’m an creative entrepreneur, and I will figure it out. If something doesn’t work – we then adapt and test things until it does work. That’s the beauty of running your own business isn’t it? You control your destiny. You are a Entre-hustler (I think I just made up a new word) and you will figure it out.
So remember, no need to let the crazy get to you when the crazy hits. Have a plan – or make one now – and believe in yourself when these times happen. This too shall pass, and you’ll come out better than ever and ready to tackle the next round of crazy!
Wondering how to develop a passive income stream in YOUR businesses for the crazy times? This is exactly why I developed the e-course, Create Passive Profits. There is information out there on how to begin, but it’s very general and super muddled. I’ve worked hard to devour all the information, speak to those currently doing it, and clean it up in an easy to understand and customizable way for CREATIVE businesses. There’s a lot of junk information out there, car salesman type techniques and just generally outdated information. I created a course that I wish was out there! This course will help you to develop the idea and hit the ground running with it. Early-bird registration for Create Passive Profits opens very soon. Make sure you’re signed up to the DLP newsletter to be first to know when registration opens!

You’re right! Definitely a lot of crazy going on! Good advice!