
Thank you sincerely to the moon and back to everyone who applied for the scholarship to the Design Life Project! Goodness gracious this was SO, SO tough to choose a winner, but the winner is…

Laura Helm!

Cathy- I so appreciate your willingness to open this course up to a scholarship attendee! What a gift. I ended up going full-time with my company in August during, by far, the toughest year of my life. While I am grateful for where it has lead me, the year challenged me down to my core. August certainly wasn’t my “planned” timeframe to go full-time. However, it has been a steep learning curve coupled with an enormous blessings of ideal clients that have filled my plate up to (even past?) the brim. I’m so desperately in need of structure, hiring, delegating, etc., and would absolutely love to be a part of your Design Life course. I’m incredibly grateful for where He has lead me in the past year, and I just want to glorify Him to my fullest potential. It’s incredible to read through the bullet points/questions you’ve listed in the description and see just how accurately they describe my life. I’m so relieved to know there are other creatives out there that have journeyed through similar seasons! Again, thank you for your generosity & kind heart. I so appreciate the opportunity to apply! Now, I’m going to bed (since I obviously need to work on my boundaries). 🙂

Congratulations Laura! I’m thrilled to offer you a spot in Design Life Project! I’m so excited to have you join us, and I know that your input will also really be able to help others in the class.


Thank you all again for applying! It means a lot to me that you would spent the time. I hope everyone has a fantastic week!

